Your satisfaction is at the heart of our commitments. This is why, when purchasing from the Björn online store we offer a “Satisfied or refunded” guarantee so that you can make your purchases with complete peace of mind. If an item does not entirely meet your expectations or does not bring you complete satisfaction, you have 30 days from receipt to return it to us (i.e. twice the minimum legal period). Once the product is returned and verified by our team, we will quickly issue a full refund of your purchase amount, without asking any unnecessary questions. At Björn, we know that trust is essential in your purchasing experience, and that's it. This is why we are committed to making this process simple and transparent. The feedback from our customers bears witness to this.

We don’t stop there: our platform goes well beyond online purchasing. Through inspiring and creative content, we help you find ideas for setting unique tables, making an impression and cultivating the art of hosting with elegance. Because your experience matters as much as our products, we guarantee secure packaging, designed to protect your items and ensure breakage-free delivery, even for the most fragile products. Each product is carefully packaged in packaging specially designed to absorb shock. . Fragile ceramic items are doubly protected to avoid direct contact with each other during transport. The shipping boxes we use are robust and designed to withstand the most demanding handling, guaranteeing optimal protection of the contents. In summary, we took the challenge of transforming the online experience of tableware, by making it simple, inspiring and above all, meeting your expectations.

In order to benefit from this guarantee and exercise your right of withdrawal, the product must be new, in perfect condition, unused and carefully repackaged in its original packaging. Once your return has been validated by our team, we will issue a full refund as soon as possible. You should know that only the shipping costs will be your responsibility, we cannot generate a return label. Please note that you also have the possibility of requesting an exchange if you wish. Of course, if for any reason an item arrives broken or defective, our team is committed to replacing it free of charge. For any questions or support needs, our premium customer service is on hand to support you every step of the way, answer to your questions and ensure that you are completely satisfied.